Design Your Own Custom ID Card: Enhancing Security and Making Your Brand Stand Out

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Plastic ID Cards

Custom ID cards are essential for businesses and organizations in maintaining security and safety regulations. With the increasingly advanced technology of today, plastic cards are the preferred form of identification in many places. But with anything, there are advantages and disadvantages of using plastic ID cards. Let's take a look at some of the different benefits, drawbacks, case studies, and best practices when it comes to plastic ID cards.

A plastic ID card is a card made out of PVC plastic or other synthetic material. Plastic cards are a popular form of identification for businesses, organizations, and government entities. They are durable and hard-wearing and come with different features that can be used to personalize them for security purposes. These cards usually contain a photo or name and other printed information such as company logo, date of birth, contact information, and/or barcode.

Plastic ID cards come with a variety of features:

  • Cards are printed in full colour.
  • Designs can be customized.
  • Cards are made of durable PVC material.
  • Cards come in matt or glossy finish.
  • Cards can be printed with magnetic strips or barcodes.
  • Cards come with scored or pre-drilled holes for lanyards.

There are many benefits to using custom ID cards, such as:

  • The printed information on the card can help to identify individuals in your organization quickly and efficiently.
  • The cards can be used as a form of authentication and/or access control.
  • Custom ID cards can be used for marketing purposes as well.
  • The cards are durable and can last several years.
  • Plastic ID cards are cost-effective.

While there are many advantages to using plastic ID cards, there are also some potential drawbacks:

  • The cards can be easily damaged if not handled properly.
  • The cards can be subject to counterfeiting or tampering.
  • The cards may require additional software or hardware to manage them effectively.
  • The cards may require additional staff to manage the process.

A manufacturing company was using keys to access their production areas, but this caused many issues such as delays and difficulties in tracking which employees had access to which areas. They decided to switch to plastic ID cards with swipe-able access. This allowed the company to easily control who had access to which areas, and the cards were tough and durable, so they wouldn't break or get lost easily.

A high school wanted an easier way to identify and track their students. They decided to switch to plastic ID cards with barcodes or magnetic strips. This allowed the school to easily track which students were on the premises at any given time, as well as monitor attendance and grades.

A medical research facility needed a way to secure areas of the facility with restricted access. They decided to go with custom plastic ID cards that could be programmed with features such as time and date logging, access control, and more. This allowed the research facility to easily keep track of who had access to which areas.

Plastic ID cards come with a variety of features such as full colour printing, design customizability, PVC durability, matt or glossy finish, magnetic strips or barcodes, and pre-drilled holes for lanyards.

Yes, plastic ID cards are very durable and can last several years with proper care.

No, plastic ID cards are actually quite cost-effective.

  • Not setting up access control systems properly.
  • Using low quality cards that can easily be faked or tampered with.
  • Not protecting the cards against wear and tear.
  • Not securing the cards properly to prevent unauthorized use.

  • Always use high quality cards that are difficult to fake or tamper with.
  • Ensure that access control systems are set up correctly and regularly tested.
  • Securely store the cards when not in use.
  • Regularly check the cards for signs of wear and tear.
  • Ensure that all cards are individually numbered for easy tracking.

Plastic ID cards are a great option for businesses and organizations, as they provide a secure and cost-effective form of identification. While there are some potential drawbacks to using plastic ID cards, such as being vulnerable to counterfeiting or tampering, taking the proper precautions can help mitigate these risks. By following the best practices outlined here, businesses and organizations can ensure that their plastic ID cards are used effectively and securely.