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Plastic Cards: Everything You Need to Know

Plastic cards can be used for a wide range of purposes, from identification cards and payment cards to promotional cards or loyalty cards. Printing services for plastic cards not only offer high visual impact but also durability, making them a practical choice for many businesses. In this article, we'll explore some of the key advantages of plastic cards, various features available, best practices and common FAQs to help you make the right decision about plastic card printing.

Printing plastic cards can provide several advantages, such as:

  • Durability: Plastic cards are plastic and therefore more durable than paper cards, which can tear or become discolored over time.
  • Small Print Space: Because of their small size, cards can be printed with a lot of information without it looking cluttered.
  • Creative Options: There are many options when it comes to the design and color schemes for plastic cards, making them uniquely tailored to a business's needs.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Since plastic cards can be printed in bulk, they can offer cost-savings in the long-term.

To demonstrate some of the possibilities and advantages of plastic cards, let's look at a few case studies that show how printing services for plastic cards can be used in different industries.

Retail Industry

Retailers that choose to use plastic cards for customer loyalty programs, promotions, and special offers can gain a competitive edge over other stores. For example, a retail store that offers loyalty cards can allow customers to accumulate points or discounts each time they use their plastic cards to make a purchase.

COLT (Children of Little Things)

COLT is a nonprofit organization that helps children ages 6-14 break the cycle of poverty and homelessness. Through their "Blessing Cards" program, they provide plastic cards to local businesses and organizations that can be sent to children and families in need. The cards provide access to resources such as healthcare, employment assistance, housing, and other services. The plastic cards are personalized with the child's name and other important information, making it much easier to reunite the child with their family.

Small Businesses

Small businesses can benefit from printing plastic cards as a way to promote their products and services. For example, a small business can hand out plastic cards to customers that include their logo, contact information, and special discounts. Not only do the plastic cards make it easier for customers to remember the business, they also show a commitment to quality and professionalism.

When considering printing services for plastic cards, it is important to take into account both the pros and cons.


  • Durability: Plastic cards are more durable than traditional paper cards. This means they can withstand more wear and tear and are less likely to tear or be discolored.
  • Creativity: Printing plastic cards provides businesses with numerous creative options for personalizing their design and color schemes.
  • Low-Cost: Printing cards in bulk can offer cost-savings in the long-term.


  • Cost of Printing: Printing plastic cards can be more expensive than other materials such as paper cards.
  • Security Issues: Plastic cards can be more difficult to secure and prevent fraud.

Q: What are the differences between plastic cards and traditional paper cards?

A: Plastic cards are more durable and can withstand more wear and tear than paper cards. Additionally, plastic cards can be printed in bulk for cost-savings in the long-term, and they provide businesses with numerous creative options for personalizing their design and color schemes.

Q: How secure are plastic cards?

A: Plastic cards can be more difficult to secure than other materials, as they can be easily manipulated or replicated. For this reason, businesses should be sure to use several measures to protect the security of their cards, such as encryption and authentication.

Q: Are there any mistakes businesses commonly make when utilizing plastic cards?

A: Common mistakes businesses make when printing plastic cards include: not using encryption or authentication, not personalizing the cards,and not considering potential security risks associated with plastic cards.

When utilizing printing services for plastic cards, there is a need to consider key best practices to ensure success:

  • Personalize the cards: Personalizing plastic cards can make them more unique and memorable.
  • Consider security measures: As plastic cards are more vulnerable to fraud, businesses should consider using encryption and authentication measures.
  • Select the right printer: Make sure to research and select a quality printer that will provide the best possible printing result.
  • Budget appropriately: Budget appropriately to ensure the best possible printing outcome.

Plastic cards can offer several advantages to businesses, such as superior durability, creative options, and cost-savings. However, it is important to consider the risks associated with printing plastic cards, such as security issues and cost of printing. By being aware of the features and benefits of printing plastic cards, taking into account appropriate best practices, and addressing common FAQs, businesses can ensure that they are making the right decision about printing plastic cards.